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Training & Technical Support

Our staff of engineers and technicians is available to provide the following training and technical support services for you:

  • Training – Customer personnel who are properly trained on the operation of their systems maximize the returns earned on their investments in SCADA systems. GDS takes training seriously and offers a variety of training courses that can be delivered with utmost flexibility to meet customer requirements.​​

  • GDS offers standard training courses with set curriculums, but changes can always be made to meet customer requirements. Courses are held at GDS or at customer facilities. GDS provides training manuals. RTUs and PCS running software are supplied by GDS or the customer.​​​

    • Motorola ACE3600 or MOSCAD/MOSCAD-L Basic Maintenance Course (2 Days). This course trains students on maintaining their Motorola ACE3600 or MOSCAD/MOSCAD-L RTUs. Included in the course will be the ability to download new configurations and applications into the CPU, as well as an overview of diagnostics and troubleshooting for the RTU. Standard tools, as well as Motorola RTU software and over-the-air capability from RTU to RTU, will be covered.

    • Wonderware InTouch Programming Course (4.5 Days). This course is designed to give the customer the ability to make additions and necessary changes to the Wonderware InTouch SCADA Central application program. 

    • Motorola ACE3600 or MOSCAD/MOSCAD-L RTU Programming Course (4.5 Days). This course is designed to give the student the ability to program and modify the ACE3600 or MOSCAD/MOSCAD-L RTU application programs.

  • Technical Support - Global Data Specialists maintains a toll-free telephone (800-545-1206) that is available during normal business hours for all customers, service providers, and sales representatives needing technical support on GDS’ products and services. Emergency technical support is available as well.


  • Panel Building - GDS offers complete panel building services. Panels meet the requirements of the SCADA solution designated by GDS or by the customer’s controller design requirements. Enclosures are available in painted steel, stainless steel, or fiberglass, with accessories such as tamper switches and padlocks. Climate-controlled enclosures are also an option. For locations where A/C power is not available, enclosures with solar panels and battery packs will get the job done.

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